These days I hear the "Still there?" question quite often.
OK, I know iDIMENSIONS - Alignment for Success is not the most visible company in the world and the pandemic hasn't helped, but I am pleased to report that iDIMENSIONS is very much "here" and busy as business and financial coaches helping our clients the way we have always have done - helping them become more successful. Obviously, all businesses are confronted with incredible challenges right now, but then running a business - large or small - in a fast paced and quickly changing world - large or small - was never a straightforward undertaking. As was the case in pre-pandemic times, iDIMENSIONS is well positioned to work with companies to navigate the trials and tribulations of the present day in a focused and decisive way.
"And how are you doing?" is the regular follow up question. Obviously, like many others we have our challenges and have had to change our ways, especially by doing most of our business online. We prefer the face-to-face contact with clients but moving online actually has worked surprisingly well (and it saves a lot of time for work-related travel!). What we do - business and financial coaching and leadership development - lends itself well to that and extends our reach much further and more easily beyond Delaware, Philadelphia, New Jersey and New York. Having said that, we are certainly looking forward to a better balance between face-to-face and online meetings.
"What is the best way to contact you and your associates?" is another question we get from time to time. Give us a call or a text on 646.591.3657 or send an email to Or you can use the contact section on the website.
On a different note, over the past 4-5 months we have given our web presence a tune-up. The change will make it easier for us to work with the website and update it with content more often. Feel free to take a look and share your comments with us.
Ebbe Skovdal
Chief Coach