Is it really that hard to say thank you?
As Thanksgiving approaches, some people take the opportunity to reflect on all they have to be thankful for – and who they need to be thankful to. On the other hand, many people simply look forward to turkey, pumpkin pie and football. We may experience Thanksgiving differently this year due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on us personally and professionally. Many people are out of work, businesses are closed or only partly re-opened, parents need to stay home to attend to children who cannot yet be back in school full time, and our interactions with relatives, friends and colleagues are limited by the need for social distancing.
So what’s to be thankful for?
Actually, a lot.
And, in fact, this is a good time to consider the value in thanking those who have helped you – if not this year then in the past - in one way or another: customers or clients who have bought or used your products and services; employees and colleagues who made the business run day in and day out; family and friends who provided personal support and comfort. But this is not the only time to thank people. Why do so many people find it hard to say thank you?
Think about it. We all want to be appreciated, to be validated in what we do and who we are. But for some reason many people don’t seem to feel it important to give this appreciation and validation to others. Saying thank you is a simple but powerful message. And in light of this stressful time, it’s more important now than ever. Whether communicating to customers/clients, to employees and colleagues or to family and friends, saying thank you acknowledges that you recognize and appreciate them as individuals and value the ongoing relationship. This in turn helps build strong personal relationships, a positive work environment, and customer loyalty. Yet too often people don’t take the time to share this most basic sentiment – thank you for being an important person in my business and in my life; I value our relationship and want it to continue.
Have you ever received a message like that? Didn’t it feel wonderful? If you haven’t received such a message, can you imagine how wonderful it would feel? So, put yourself in the position of being the one who gives thanks to others, and see how much appreciation comes back your way.
And this is not restricted just to Thanksgiving. But sharing thanks now would at least be a start.
Happy Thanksgiving!